We are located on the corner of Colorado and Folsom, 50 feet from the CU campus, directly across from the Engineering Building and Folsom Field.
We teach the Bible, God's Word, as the sole source of all theology. But if you were to ask,"What do you believe the Bible teaches?" then our teachings can be summarized in the Small Catechism.
You believe the Bible is 100% God's true Word from Genesis through Revelation.
You believe that when Jesus said, "This is my body," He meant, "This is my body."
You believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone.
Event Highlights
Fall Semester 2024
Check back regularly for updates. (Last update 8/6//24).
TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY 7pm Pray Vespers and Bible Study. This happens EVERY week during the Semester when CU is in session.
9/8 Sunday, MISSION SOCIETY MEETING 2:30pm Come and find out how you can support ULC.
9/8 Sunday VOTERS MEETING, right after the 5pm service.
9/21 Saturday. CU Homecoming game parking. ​
9/22 Sunday. CU HOMECOMING weekend service and CU STUDENT & ALUMN potluck. Pastor provides meat. A-L alumn/students bring salad/sidedish; M-Z alumn/students bring appetizer/dessert.
10/4-6. Student Life retreat at AIRBNB. See Pastor for details.
10/12, Saturday. Home CU Parking. Volunteers needed.
10/24-27 TBA, It is CU's FAMILY WEEKEND. Look for a weekend with special events at ULC. with CU parking on Saturday.
11/16 &29 CU Home football parking. Volunteers needed.
12/1 Sunday 3pm. SANCTUARY DECORATION. Come back a few hours early from break & join us to get the sanctuary (and the rest of the building) decorated for Advent & Christmas.
12/15 5pm. GAUDETE SUNDAY Divine Service. Sing Christmas Carols together before we leave for break.
Highlights from our Flocknote...
(May 1, 2024)
Let me tell you all about it...this newsletter is pretty much for the friends of ULC, and not necessarily the students. That's why I sent out the text right before this. I know sending out newsletters every week gets to be a lot to read--especially if you are not directly connected with ULC--so I wanted to highlight what's happened here since about Easter.
1. We've hosted a screening of the movie, Unplanned, along with two other sites on campus. If you haven't seen the movie, I would encourage you to do so. It is ideal in getting people "on the fence" about abortions to reconsider their position, and to get those who are already pro-life fired up to do something about it. Having it in three different locations on three different dates, clustered together, was to provide any students who would consider themselves pro-life several chances to see the movie. It didn't work out quite as we had hoped, but we've expanded our contacts to lots of other pro-life organizations, and have plans to do something similar at the beginning of next semester. We also have a better way of publicizing it now.
2. ULC hosted a retreat for students from several different campuses at Estes Park. The retreat was great! Our topic, "Preparing Confessionally- minded Leaders for the Church" went as I hoped, and a couple weeks after the retreat we had a voters' meeting...
3. ...and we elected our new congregational council. All are ULC students! And the students are excited to serve! One of the goals of ULC's particular mission is to train leaders, and we will definitely have that opportunity next year!
4. We have been discussing a capital campaign. We want to make sure we have a good foundation as we seek to locate people who love ULC and her mission, or who love campus ministry in general. Our financial goals are three-fold: 1) Start an endowment with a portion of those proceeds going toward support for the ministry here at ULC; 2) Start another endowment whose proceeds would be used to support other campus ministries in the Rocky Mountain District; 3) Raise money to provide updates on the current building and look into extending the current building for much needed space.
So, thank you for your interest and even more for your prayers as we strive to get the message of Jesus and the cross out to the campus of CU, and other campuses in the Denver area.